Saturday, November 7, 2009

How big is your God?

How big is your God? I believe that your concept of God, and my concept of God, is way too small!

How can we conceive of eternity, infinity, or creation? All things with which our God is intricately and intrinsically related.

How can we comprehend any the following: (Attributes courtesy of VisIt them, fabulous site!)

"Trinity: Though the actual word is not used in the Bible, the truth of God revealing Himself in three persons is included. The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are all called God, given worship as God, exist eternally, and are involved in doing things only God could do. Although, God reveals Himself in three persons, God is One and cannot be divided. All are involved completely whenever One of the Three is active.

Omniscience: “God possesses perfect knowledge and therefore has no need to learn. God has never learned and cannot learn.” Omniscience means all-knowing. God knows everything, and His knowledge is infinite. It is impossible to hide anything from God.

Omnipotence: Literally this word means all-powerful. Since God is infinite and since He possesses power, He possesses infinite power. He does allow His creatures to have some power, but this in no way diminishes His own. “He expends no energy that must be replenished.” When the Bible says God rested on the seventh day, it was to set an example for us and our need for rest, not because He was tired.

Self-existence: When Moses asked who he was talking to in the burning bush, God said, “I AM THE ONE WHO ALWAYS IS.” God has no beginning or end. He just exists. Nothing else in all the universe is self-caused. Only God. In fact, if anything else had created Him, that thing would be God. This is a difficult concept for our minds since everything else we will ever encounter comes from something other than itself. The Bible says, “In the beginning, God.” He was already there.

Eternal: In some ways, this fact about God is similar to His self-existence. God always has been and will forever be, because God dwells in eternity. Time is His creation. It is why God can see the end from the beginning, and why He is never surprised by anything. If He were not eternal, God’s promise of eternal life for those who follow Jesus would have little value.

Omnipresence: This theological term means “always present.” Since God is infinite, His being knows no boundaries. So, clearly He is everywhere. This truth is taught throughout the Bible as the phrase “I am with you always” is repeated 22 times in both the Old and New Testaments. These were even Jesus’ words of assurance just after giving the challenge to His disciples to take His message to the entire world. This is certainly a comforting truth for all who follow Jesus.

Attributes of God – The Conclusion
This is the description of the God of the Bible. All other ideas about God are, according to the Bible, false gods. They are from the imagination of mankind. By learning the attributes of God, you may praise God for who He really is and for how each of His attributes impacts your life in a positive way."

The solar system is about best thing I can think of which displays the "bigness" of God. The Bible says that "the heavens declare His majesty".

Here are a few amazing facts about the size of the solar system. (Yes, I believe if there is a watch, there must be a watch maker).

First, realize that the speed of light is calculated as the distance that light can travel in a year, at 186,282 miles per SECOND. To reach the known edge of our universe takes ten billion years at the speed of light! My brain just went tilt right there, how about you?

Another example: Imagine that you own a rifle that shoots bullets at the speed of light, 186,282 miles per second. You point it straight up in the sky and pull the trigger. You wait ten seconds. That bullet has already travelled almost two million miles. If you stood at the spot where you fired that rifle, and waited ten billion years, with the bullet still traveling that speed, the bullet would be approaching the outer edge of our universe. My brain goes tilt again, how about yours?

And now modern science knows that after our solar system comes another solar system.
Ane then another solar system and then another, and then another, etc. OK. final brain tilt. I give up.

Like I said at the beginning, I believe that your concept of God, and my concept of God is WAY TO SMALL!

That a God that big, a God that powerful, loves you and me, is pretty unfathomable, don;t you thihk?

But John 3:16 proves that it is true: "For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, that whosoever believes in Him, shall not perish, but have eternal life.

Hmm. Eternal...there goes that brain tilt again.

All I can say is, As the old song says, "Oh Happy day, Oh Happy day,
When Jesus washed. Oh when he washed. He washed my sins away!

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